Reports until 00:51, Wednesday 26 August 2015
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:51, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20882)
Ops Evening Summary
IFO locking appears to have recovered well from maintenance but investigations are ongoing into new excess noise.

UTC (Pacific)
23:33 (16:33) Dave to roof to look at antennas to update drawings
23:39 (16:39) Dave back
00:03 (17:03) Nutsinee to OSB high bay mezzanine to check for distilled water for TCS chillers
00:25 (17:25) Nutsinee back. She also cleaned the TCS chiller filters.
05:08 (22:08) Sheila and Jenne to flip switch on PRM M3 LL coil driver
05:15 (22:15) Eric T. running injections
05:48 (22:48) Eric T. done
06:06 (23:06) Sheila turned off PR2 coil driver, tripped PR2 watchdog, broke lock, turning it back on
06:14 (23:14) Sheila, Evan, Jenne restarting PRM, LSC, ASC and PR2 models