Reports until 19:25, Tuesday 25 August 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:25, Tuesday 25 August 2015 (20884)
Transfer functions of AS WFS

 Daniel, Sheila

We went to the racks near HAM6 and measured the response of each quadrant of the AS WFS, both for 45 and 36 channels.  We sent the excitation in on test in and read it back using RF mon on each quadrant's demod. The notches for 91 MHz are generally mistuned, (they are between 87 and 90 MHz).  An image is attched for one 36 MHz channel and one 45 MHz channel, the data for all the channels are in the attached zip file.

  magnitude at 45.5MHz (dB) at 36.4MHz (dB) at 91 MHz (dB)
AS A 45 ch1 -36.2   -53.6
ch2 -37   -55.2
ch3 -36.8   -54.8
ch4 -36.5   -55.7
AS A 36 ch1   -38.6 -54.8
ch2   -39.3 -56.4
ch3   -39.4 -55.9
ch4   -38.8 -56.8
AS B 45 ch1 -37.2   -55.4
ch2 -36.9   -56
ch3 -37.4   -55
ch4 -37.5   -57.4
AS B 36 ch 1   -39.3 -56.4
ch2   -38.9 -57.3
ch3   -40 -56.4
ch4   -39.4 -58.1
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