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Reports until 18:28, Tuesday 25 August 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:28, Tuesday 25 August 2015 (20888)
CDS maintenance Summary

Maintenance Day Summary:

DAQ Reconfiguration WP5456

Peter F, Hugh, Jeff K, Keita, Daniel, Dave:

GDS broadcaster was modified, details in ealier alog. h1calex modified to write IRIGB channel to science frame. Channels reduced/removed from science frame from models h1oaf and h1asc. Following model restarts the DAQ was restarted.

New Frame Writer Install WP5455

Carlos, Keith, Dave, Jim:

new frame writer is being built today. Installation is ongoing.

Guardian autoburt.req

Dave, Patrick:

the autoBurt.req file for guardian was regenerated to match new nodes. A new channel list was applied to conlog.


Ellie, Nutsinee, Dave:

Ellie and Nutsinee started the HWS EPICS IOC, the DAQ EDCU reconnected to these channels.

Timing System

Richard, Filiburto, Dave

The reference GPS receiver in the MSR was hooked up to its roof mounted antenna. Its 1PPS signal was connected to the third port of the MSR comparator.

I am updating the timing as-built drawings, which required touching timing cables to determine routing/naming and going onto the roof.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.