Reports until 22:12, Tuesday 25 August 2015
sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:12, Tuesday 25 August 2015 (20891)
DARM Open Loop TF and PCAL Sweep

Darkhan, Craig, Sudarshan

We took DARM Open Loop Transfer function and Pcal sweep one after each other.

We had a hard time keeping the ETMY ESD from saturating at frequencies above 800 Hz and at the same time obtaining reasonable coherence. So this measurement is good only below 800 Hz and upto 7 Hz. The calibration lines are turned back on after the measurement was done. (At around 2015-08-26 5:05:00 UTC).

Attached  is DTT screenshot of  both the measurement 1. DARM OLGTF,  2. Pcal2DARM TF  and conlog file that contains filter information during the time of measurement.

Analysis to follow.

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