Reports until 15:37, Wednesday 26 August 2015
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:37, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20925)
Inspiral range available in EPICS via a DMT to EPICS bridge

We are testing out a DMT to EPICS bridge that is able to translate DMT data to EPICS data real time.

The channel names are subject to change (comments should be directed to Dave Barker, not the alog).  Currently they are not being recorded in the frames.  There should be a discussion regarding whether or not it is a good idea to put another copy of the range in the frame with a different name and a slight time offset due to being captured from EPICS.

Current channels:

Please remember that the range is a really a minute trend, and that it is visible at some point within a minute of it being generated, see the _GPS channel for the time it refers to.

There are a few other approaches we can take to getting DMT data into the control room faster than the frames appear, so if this does not work out there are some other avenues open to exploration.