Reports until 16:00, Wednesday 26 August 2015
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20926)
Ops Day Shift Summary
LVEA: Laser Hazard
IFO: Locked
Observation Bit: Undisturbed    

All Times in UTC (PT)

15:00 (08:00) Take over from Ed
15:00 (08:00) IFO locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, 68Mpc
15:38 (08:38) Switch to commissioning/calibration mode for commissioners
16:15 (09:15) Alarm on Instrument air MR-PT199 – Left message for Kyle & spoke to Bubba
16:25 (09:25) Bubba – Check into alarm with PT0199
16:30 (09:30) Lockloss – Due to commissioning – Put IOF in DOWN per commissioner request
17:19 (10:19) Kyle – Going to X2-8 near End-X for vacuum work
17:59 (10:59) Filiberto – Going to Mid-Y to get parts for PEM work
18:00 (11:00) IFO locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, 65Mpc
18:17 (11:17) Filiberto – Back from Mid-Y
19:26 (12:26) Fire Protection Specialist – On site working on alarm system in VPW
19:32 (12:32) Filiberto – Going into CER looking for tools
19:38 (12:38) Kyle – Leaving X2-8 going to Y2-8 on the Y-Arm
21:44 (14:44) Lockloss – Commissioners looking into cause
22:10 (15:10) IFO Locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, 65Mps 
22:19 (15:19) Lockloss – Calibration activities
22:32 (15:32) Lockloss – Possibly due to Earthquake

Shift Summary & Observations:

   Took over from Ed at 15:00 (08:00). IFO locked with good range. LLO down. 
   Commissioners have started working on calibration.
   IFO was stable during the day. After first lock loss the IFO relocked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE in 34 minutes. 
   21:56 (14:56) 5.2 Mag EQ at N. Mid-Atlantic Ridge R-Wave arrival ~22:28 (15:28)