Reports until 16:34, Wednesday 26 August 2015
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:34, Wednesday 26 August 2015 - last comment - 23:50, Wednesday 26 August 2015(20927)
Invalid values for Conlog
Although the error reporting is not detailed enough yet on the production server to provide the channel name and value that caused an error upon attempting to insert it into the MySQL database, it is on the test system. The following channels and values caused errors on the test system:

Jul 11 16:59:40 H1:OMC-READOUT_ERR_GAIN: -nan
Aug  4 07:54:43 H1:SYS-MOTION_C_PICO_F_MOTOR_1_NAME: 'xF3x01'
Aug  8 12:25:47 H1:OMC-READOUT_ERR_GAIN: -nan
Comments related to this report
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - 21:12, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20937)

This is nice, it gives us a sense of how often the calculations for the handoff to DC readout fail.  Answer: about once a month.

We should have the OMC guardian check that the calculated value for OMC_READOUT_ERR gain is sensible before writing it to the epics channel.

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 23:50, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20945)
Maybe more than that. There have been times when the test server has not been running and so did not catch the error when the production server stopped. I think maybe twice while I was on vacation Aug. 8 - 20.