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Reports until 22:57, Tuesday 25 August 2015
eric.thrane@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:57, Tuesday 25 August 2015 - last comment - 17:17, Thursday 27 August 2015(20893)
CBC Injection Test For Saturation + First Blind Injection Test
Patrick, Sheila, Jenne, Eric

For the first part of the test, we injected our fiducial CBC waveform (same one used in ER7) and tried raising the LIMIT value on the hardware injection block in order to address saturation problems observed in ER7. During ER7, the LIMIT was 200. We raised it to 400. The first injection did not go through:

1124601535 1 1.000000 cbctest_1117582888_		intent bit off, injection canceled

Patrick, Sheila, and Jenne tried to turn on the intent bit, but there was some sort of problem, which will be alog'ged separately. As a temporary work-around, we turned off the tinj intent-bit check and injected again:

1124602724 1 1.000000 cbctest_1117582888_		successful

Patrick determined that the injection produced a maximum |amplitude| of 15 counts coming out of the injection block, which seemed to indicate that the original LIMIT value of 200 was sufficient. However, an alarm went off to indicate that there was saturation at ETMY. Thus, the saturation problem cannot be solved by tinkering with the INJ block in MEDM. Rather, the problem is occurring downstream on the ETM actuators. We request that Jeff K, Adam M, et al. look into options for avoiding saturation at the ETMs.

Next we tried a blind injection using the new blind injection code. The blind injection code does not log injections in EPICS so they are not automatically picked up in the segment database.

1124603111 1 1.000000 cbctest_1117582888_		successful

The blind injection was clearly visible. The ETM saturation warning went off again. The injection was logged correctly in the blind injection blindinj_H1.log:

current time = 1124603049...
Attempting: awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_BLIND_EXC 16384 /ligo/home/eric.thrane/O1/Hardw
areInjection/Details/Inspiral/H1/cbctest_1117582888_H1.out 1 1124603111
Injection successful.

All of these injections were carried out with scale factor = 1; (that's the 1.000000). The injection file, described in a comment below, is a 1.4 on 1.4 BNS, optimal orientation, at D=45 Mpc. It is the same waveform used in previous ER tests.
Comments related to this report
andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - 00:49, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20894)DetChar, INJ
It looks like the injection actually does hit the 400 count limit (plot 1). It saturates right at the end when the injection chirps up to high frequency. There's some kind of ringing as well (plot 2). From the spectrogram (plot 3) and the zoom (plot 4) this looks like a feature at just above 300 Hz. I thought it might be a notch for the PCal line, but that's 331.9 Hz. So someone will have to check the inverse actuation filter and see what's happening at that frequency.

It's possible to see the overflow from the first injection in the ETMY L3 MASTER channel (plot 5). It happens at -131072 counts, and the injection is trying to push it past -200000. The blind injection caused an overflow as well, but since this channel is only recorded at 2048 Hz, it looks like it falls short of overflow (plot 6). There's a faster readback whose name escapes me at the moment.

Unless the blind injection is made a factor of about 10 smaller, or rolled off at high frequency, it will be trivial to detect it by looking at the drive to the ETM.
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eric.thrane@LIGO.ORG - 04:24, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20901)INJ
FYI, the injected waveform was fiducial waveform from ER7:


It's a 1.4-1.4 BNS at 45 Mpc, optimal orientation.
duncan.brown@LIGO.ORG - 05:06, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20904)

There are a couple of things to watch out for when performing CBC hardware injections, based on iLIGO experience:

  • In iLIGO, the actuation function had a notch at the violin-mode frequencies. If you just invert A(f) without smoothing this out, the notch will get inverted and you'll give the the mirrors a hard kick as the inspiral sweeps through the notch frequency. (My guess is that Adam and Jeff have already dealt with this, though.)
  •  If the end of the inspiral signal is not smoothly rolled off and the signal drops from some loudish amplitude to zero then you put a step function in. This caused the iLIGO test mass to swing at its pendulum frequency, putting a huge ringdown in the data (called the "whooper" in iLIGO). In iLIGO, the CBC group generated waveforms in counts, by applying 1/A(f) ourselves using the adiabatic inverse calibration, so we smoothed 1/A(f) ourselves before applying it. In aLIGO, 1/A(f) is: (i) more complicated, and (ii) applied in the front end by IIR filters. It is possible that the sharp turnoff of the CBC injection at the end is causing the filters that apply 1/A(f) to ring and that's what's giving us garbage at the end of the signal.

For the ER7 injection we used an SEOBNRv2 waveform that has a ringdown at the end, hoping that this turn off would not trigger an impulse. However, for BNS masses, the turn off and ringdown is pretty sharp. I've asked Chris check that there are no "whooper" effects with the SEOBNRv2 waveform, but we haven't had chance to do this yet. For a SpinTaylorT4 waveform (the other waveform CBC wants to inject), there will definitely be a step, so this needs to be checked and rolled off carefully.

duncan.brown@LIGO.ORG - 05:08, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20905)

One other comment on the test: what scaling in awgstream did you use? That waveform looks monstously loud (eyeball SNR > 20). That's much louder than would be useful for a blind injections, but good for helping us find whooper effects.

eric.thrane@LIGO.ORG - 16:44, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20928)INJ
Duncan, the scale factor is 1.
andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - 14:27, Thursday 27 August 2015 (20959)DetChar, INJ
Just for completeness, because I didn't see it posted, here's an Omega scan of the injections in h(t). The first is the non-blind injection, the second is the blind injection. I think the glitch ten seconds after the blind injection is unrelated. I thought it might be a filter turning off or being reset, but it's not on a GPS second (it's at 1124603210.28). It does cause an overflow of the ETMY ESD DAC.
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peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - 17:17, Thursday 27 August 2015 (20966)INJ
I verified that the blind injection was correctly recorded in the raw frame file.
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