Reports until 20:54, Wednesday 26 August 2015
H1 DetChar (ISC)
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:54, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20936)
ODC nominal state set during morning lock
- Set the nominal ODC threshold values for all SUS, LSC, ASC, TCS and OMC during the morning lock.
- Updated SDF with those settings.
- Note that TCS got disconnected yesterday, so ODC_MASTER settings related to TCS are not SDF'ed yet.
- Updated all ODC screens to show all relevant bits.
- Added the intent bit button to the ODC master screen (it is also available on the Guardian screen).

With that almost all indicator are green in full lock. The exceptions are:
- ADC saturation:
  - Unfortunately many models have an ADC channel that by design saturates, i.e. the CDS bit delivered to ODC for those models is always lo.
  - On top of that some models (like e.g. ASC) report a saturation, even though n channel seems to be saturation. Dave Barker has noticed that before...
- DAC saturation: TCS currently reports a DAC saturation - not sure why.
- LSC and ASC report a incorrect parity bit (that's an ODC internal issue)