Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 21:17, Wednesday 26 August 2015
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:17, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (20938)
ASAIR gain scaling when BDIV is closed
Added a gain change for ASAIR_B_RF18, ASAIR_B_RF90, ASAIR_B_LF and  ASAIR_A_LF when the AS port beam diverted closes (it has 10% residual through beam).

            # Set the ASAIR PD gains for BDIV open
            ezca['LSC-ASAIR_B_RF18_I_GAIN'] = 18
            ezca['LSC-ASAIR_B_RF18_Q_GAIN'] = 18
            ezca['LSC-ASAIR_B_RF90_I_GAIN'] = 18
            ezca['LSC-ASAIR_B_RF90_Q_GAIN'] = 18
            ezca['LSC-ASAIR_A_LF_GAIN'] = 11
            ezca['LSC-ASAIR_B_LF_GAIN'] = 11

Curiously, the DC gains scale differently than the RF channels...
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.