Reports until 08:23, Thursday 27 August 2015
richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:23, Thursday 27 August 2015 (20952)
Testing of Comb Frequency induced when connecting RF to PEM
IN a follow up to the work done Tuesday and Wednesday that introduced the 1Hz comb in the PRCL, SRCL path and removed it the following morning by disconnecting the 9 and 45MHz LO signals to the PEM interface chassis for the room antenna.   

With the IFO locked I reconnected the 9MHz cable and the 1Hz comb was present.  I then disconnected it and tried to work with the 45MHz.  The IFO is far more sensitive to work with the RF distribution chassis and we ended up losing lock.
Once Ed M. re aligned and  got the system locked again we did not see the 1Hz with the 45MHz connected to the PEM.  I then installed a Baluns on both the 9MHz and 45MHz lines and the signal did not show up in the spectrum.  
We will leave it connected as is until Tuesday when we can move the baluns to a less intrusive location probably at the PEM rack.   They are now on the distribution chassis somewhat blocking the connections next to them. Hopefully this has not introduced any other problems.