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Reports until 11:02, Thursday 27 August 2015
H1 DetChar
nairwita.mazumder@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:02, Thursday 27 August 2015 (20956)
LHO DQ shift 24th-26th August
Detailed report: https://wiki.ligo.org/DetChar/DataQuality/DQShiftLHO20150824

  • There were 4 science locks between 24-26th August with ~20% total duty cycle.
  • Calibration has started since Monday, 24th August.
  • Tuesday was a heavy maintenance day at LHO. Two small locks on 24th and 25th had less than 5 minutes span. But mostly focussed on the long locks.
  • The locks had EY 60Hz magnetic glitches which might have caused the big dips in the inspiral range. (PEM-EY_MAG_EBAY_SUSRACK)
1st day Lock:
  • Steady lock with inspiral range around 62 MPC.
  • Interferometer lock was broken to start Calibration at 16:05 UTC. (alog)
  • Other than few loud glitches (which caused some dip in the inspiral range) lock looks pretty clean.
  • High SNR glitch rate was very low throughout the lock.
  • 60Hz magnetic glitches can be seen at End Y
  • Hveto was not that much effective for the triggers above ~100Hz. A few angular channels came up as the most significant in hveto.
  • The first dip in the inspiral range seems to be related to some magnetometer in seismic (as well as in suspension) rack at End Y.
  • There was no major seismic activity during this ~2.5 long lock.
2nd day Lock:
  • Steady lock with a inspiral range of 65 MPC. Possible lock loss reason : delivery truck was passing by (alog) and ASC-POP glitch - " ~16s before and ASC-PRC2 starts to oscillating at about the same time ( and the oscillation became really huge about ~ 6s before lockloss). They were both high frequency (>128 Hz)". (Lock loss plot)
  • Some non-stationarity at the low freqquency (below 20Hz) between 12:00 to 13:00 UTC and nearly end of the lock
  • Small variation in the spectrum below 40Hz
  • Loud Glitch rate was low except the time between 12:00 to 13:00 UTC, where we had a loud glitch causing a dip in inspiral range (came down to ~10MPC)
  • Most of the loud glitches visible in glitchgram were vetoed out by hveto, might be related to PEM accelerometer or seismic channel.
  • There was an earth quake at Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge with magnitude 4.9 at 13:23 UTC which might be the reason of the last huge dip in the inspiral range.
  • Few loud events (New SNR >7.5) were seen in BBH search and low-mass CBC search.
3rd day lock:
  • The pattern is same as previous two days with inspiral range ~60MPC which eventually ends up at ~68MPC
  • After Tuesday's maintenance few new features can be seen in the spectrum (alog)
  • ETMY saturation occurred several times during this lock.
  • 1 Hz comb (offset by 0.5 Hz) was found at below 70Hz which was believed to be related to PEM channels, also some excess noise in PRCL. This issue has been fixed (alog).
  • This lock also had some very loud glitches few of them are EY magnetic glitches.
  • ASC-X_TR_A_PIT_OUT_DQ and ASC-REFL_B_RF9_Q_YAW_OUT_DQ had significant contribution on Hveto. PEM-EY_MAG_EBAY_SUSRACK_X_DQ came up as the most significant channel in iDQ as well as the winner of 3rd round Hveto.
Note: UPV and STAMP PEM were not up for any of these days. The loud glitches need be followed up more thoroughly.
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