Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 00:12, Friday 28 August 2015
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:12, Friday 28 August 2015 (20971)
Ops Evening Summary
23:00 (16:00) Darkhan and Travis at end Y running PCAL measurements. Leo running charging measurements for ETMX.
23:36 (16:36) Kiwamu to electronics room to measure transfer function of whitening filter
23:40 (16:40) Evan to CER to run measurement with network analyzer
23:41 (16:41) Darkhan and Travis done at end Y, moving to end X
00:09 (17:09) Nutsinee to TCS X to take picture of control box
00:15 (17:15) Nutsinee back
00:44 (17:44) Evan done, Leo done
01:18 (18:18) Travis and Darkhan done at end X
01:37 (18:37) Travis and Darkhan back

02:13 (19:13) Kiwamu and I start locking
Trouble locking on DRMI
Ran through initial alignment starting with CHECK_IR
Lost lock engaging ASC WFS in LOCK_DRMI, Kiwamu had to revert phase settings for AS 36
Lock loss on bounce mode
03:17 (20:17) h1fw2 crashed and restarted
04:48 (21:48) Locked on Low Noise, Darkhan running calibration measurements

05:22 (22:22) Darkhan done, Stefan and Evan starting wiggling cables test
05:26 (22:26) Kiwamu to CER to clean up previous work
Kiwamu is back
06:22 (23:22) h1fw2 crashed and restarted
07:00 (00:00) handing off to TJ, Evan and Stefan are investigating RF

end Y dust alarms
smelled a lot of smoke in hallway, went up to roof, didn't spot any fires
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.