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Reports until 23:09, Thursday 27 August 2015
darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:09, Thursday 27 August 2015 (20973)
Pcal to DARM TF measurements

Sudarshan, Darkhan


Today we took PCALX to DARM and PCALY to DARM TF measurements.

These measurements will be used to assess time delays/advances between Pcal excitation/readout channels vs. DARM_IN1.


Earlier today we took PCAL(X|Y) to DARM TF measurements for estimating timing of Pcal channels vs. DARM_IN1. We noticed that in today's earlier measurements "2015-08-27_PCALX2DARMTF_TIMING.xml" and "2015-08-27_PCALY2DARMTF_TIMING.xml" used log.spaced frequency vectors. Since later in the day we got another opportunity to measure these transfer functions, we repeated earlier measurements but this time taking a linearly spaced frequency vector.

So the most recent measurements taken at a lin.spaced frequency vectors are (notice that they also include earlier log.spaced measurement TFs and coherences as ref0 and ref1):

All 4 measurements have been uploaded to calibration SVN (r1161):


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