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Reports until 16:00, Friday 28 August 2015
H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Friday 28 August 2015 (20982)
Day Ops Summary

(All time in UTC)

15:28 Kiwamu asked the intent bit to be set to comissioning. Calibration works begin.

15:30 Fil to both end stations EER (end station electronics room).

15:31 IFO lock broke. ETMX switched to high voltage

15:52 Locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE. Kiwamu driving ETMX.

16:09 Fil back. Going to CER.

16:12 Fil done

16:51 EX Dust alarm went off. I checked EX dust monitor but not sure what happened to its medm screen.

17:00 Rich Abbot to LVEA. Field RF measurement.

17:13 Daniel to joined Rich.

17:40 Small re-locking issue. I didn't aware of the new method of locking PRMI so I didn't . The SRM offset was high and eventually ISI tripped. Jeff Kissel took care of the ISI.

17:51 Lockloss at SWITCH_TO_QPD see alog 20988

18:05 Locked again at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE

18:11 Rich back for now

18:15 Rich back out

18:42 Richard to MidY

19:00 Richard back

19:07 Greg updating DMT code. This requires DMT computer restart but shouldn't affect anything in the control room.

19:15 Rich out

19:20 Nutsinee begins testing ITMX L2 DAMP MODE9 and 10 violin mode damping filters

20:00 Violin mode filtes testing stopped

20:23 Richard's intern to the roof to checck on camera

20:51 Rich back to the CER

21:00 Calibration crews took down the ifo.

23:00 Handling the ifo to Travis.

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