Reports until 10:48, Friday 28 August 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:48, Friday 28 August 2015 (20987)
Loaded H1 SUS ETMY Filter Coefficients
J. Kissel, D. Barker

Dave found that H1SUSETMY L3 LOCK L FM 2 (which has and remains OFF all throughout lock acquisition and lownoise) had been changed by Evan from compensating for the ESD driver's low pass filter (which is now done in the H1 SUS ETMY L3 ESDOUT $(QUADRANT) FM2/FM7 banks) to some other filter, and sadly did not name it so it shows up (appropriately) as "Unknown." I;m not sure what his intent was with this filter, but because is OFF all the time, I loaded the coefficients so that the model doesn't have a "modified filter coefficients" message which sets off all sorts of SysAdmin alarms.

I'll find out from Evan what his intent, and probably clean it up later.
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