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Reports until 13:34, Friday 28 August 2015
darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:34, Friday 28 August 2015 (20991)
LHO Pcal EndX and EndY calibration measurements were taken (analysis to follow)

Travis S, Darkhan

Yesterday, Aug 27, 2015, we took Pcal end-station calibration measurements at both end-stations. The measurement procedure is described in T1500063 (-v5).

The following steps from the procedure have been completed at both end-stations:

Rough numbers from MEDM screen logged into the record sheet (provided in appendix A of T1500063) suggest that RxPD and TxPD calibrations as well as optical efficiencies of Pcal beams at LHO EY did not change significantly compared to numbers from calibration on 2015-05-22, however we saw ~1 - 2 % drop in the optical efficiency of Pcal beams at LHO EX compared to measurement taken on 2015-05-20.

Calibration results will be reported after completing the last part of the calibration procedure, running Matlab scripts that acquire data and calculate responses of TxPD and RxPD:

Record sheet papershots are attached to this alog.

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