Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 08:44, Friday 25 June 2010
H2 General
keith.thorne@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:44, Friday 25 June 2010 (21)
LLO Seismic Test Racks - Initial setup complete
The electronics test racks for seismic testing at LLO are through the initial setup and checkout.  
There are two racks. 
   llosei1 - HAM-ISI testing
   llosei2 - Seismometer huddle testing
David Kinzel assembled the racks, installing the equipment shipped from Pasadena and Hanford.
Keith and Rolf got the front-end computers set up.
Ben and Sam Abbott were here this week to do the electronics checkout with the initial models.

The test racks are presently on the CDS network, but are reachable from outside at
 llosei1 - llocds.ligo-la.caltech.edu  Port 9001   (DNS name dts1 within llocds)
 llosei2 - llocds.ligo-la.caltech.edu  Port 9002   (DNS name dts2 within llocds)

* We clearly need some X2 tasks added
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.