Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 08:04, Sunday 30 August 2015
H1 General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:04, Sunday 30 August 2015 (21025)
Ops Owl Shift Summery

Times in UTC


925 - Took the IFO to DOWN for Kiwamu to work on more calibration measurements

1016 - H1SUSETMX Timing error cleared

1208 - NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, but BS bounce was rung up and Kiwamu tried to damp it to no avail

1219 - Itbit set to Undisturbed

1416 - Lockloss (Wind is picking up, 20mph, but that shouldn't be a problem)

1431 - Lockloss @ DC_READOUT (everything looked good, not sure what happened unless it really is the wind)

1438 - Gardeners here for tumbleweed cleanup

1444 - Lockloss @ DARM_WFS

1454 - Lockloss @ CARM_ON_TR

1500 - Handing if off to Nutsinee

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.