Reports until 18:05, Monday 31 August 2015
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:05, Monday 31 August 2015 (21067)
PRM RT/SD and PR3 T1/T2 Status

This afternoon, Richard and Fil tried various hardware diagnostics of the cabling and boxes out on the floor for the shared PRM/PR3 chain noise.  While swapping sat boxes and reterminating cables a few times, the PRM RT TOP BOSEM flopped between flatlining, or being super noisy multiple times after they made connections.  There was additional confusion in the fact that the PRM misaligned state moves the PRM a huge amount in YAW, thus sending the RT BOSEM signal to near zero - we thought this meant it "died" a few times during our troubleshooting.  Long story short, the troubleshooting of the electronics this afternoon didn't seem to improve the noise much.

To be continued...

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