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Reports until 00:20, Tuesday 01 September 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:20, Tuesday 01 September 2015 - last comment - 01:20, Tuesday 01 September 2015(21073)
recycling gain during lock acquistion

At LLO there are problems with engaging the PRC2 ASC loop when the recycling gain is low, but we don't seem to have this problem at LHO.  One theorey about the difference could be that we just arrive in lock with a higher recycling gain.  Although I believed this myself, the data I downloaded from the first 13 days of ER8 seem to indicate this is not the difference.  I looked at times when we first arrived on resonance (112 examples), when we transition to DC readout (after the ASC including soft loops has been on for about 1 minute, 85 examples), and after we power up to the maximum available power (60 examples).

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daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 01:20, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21082)

The recycling gain corresponding to a critically matched carrier TEM00 is at ~33.5. The successful plots show 32.5 as the lowest value. One might conclude that we typically arrive at the over-coupled case after initial lock. However, the conclusion that the wavefront sensor sign flips at the critically matched point is only true, if we neglect mode matching. If the incoming beam is larger than the cavity beam, the second order mode will support the over-coupled case, whereas a small incoming beam will reduce it.

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