Reports until 01:12, Tuesday 01 September 2015
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:12, Tuesday 01 September 2015 - last comment - 12:38, Tuesday 01 September 2015(21081)
The saga of SR3 glitches continues...

[Sheila, Anamaria, Jenne, Cheryl, Dan, Evan.  Richard via phone]

SR3 glitches are still causing us grief.  This is a continuation of the story started last night (alog 21046), and worked on earlier in the day (alog 21062).  After some heroic efforts, we have determined that we cannot lock in this state. 

To prove to ourselves that indeed it was a problem with the analog actuation chain we investigated turning different pieces of the analog electronics off.  The first attached Dataviewer screenshot shows the NOISEMON channels of the SR3 M1 stage throughout this investigation.  When the local damping is on, we cannot see the glitches very clearly in the noisemon channels - but we do see them in the voltmon channels (The second attached screenshot shows that the T2 voltmon channel does in fact see the glitches, so it's not a broken monitor).  When the local damping is off, we only see the glitches in the noisemon channels. 

Since we do not see the glitches when the AI chassis is powered off, we infer that the noise is not generated in the coil driver board.  (Note that we also borrowed a triple top coil driver chassis from the H2 storage racks, S1100192, but did not swap it in since we don't think the noise is coming from there).  We have not, however, determined whether the noise is coming from the AI board (probably not, since it's still there after a swap?) or the DAC. 

We tried a few times to lock the IFO after the AI board swap, but we were continually losing lock before the CARM reduction is complete.  Lockloss investigations showed that the problem for most of these was SR3 motion. 

At this point, we have determined that we need more expert brains to have a look at the analog electronics.  The owl operator shift has been cancelled, since there will be no more full IFO locking happening until this problem is resolved. 

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - 07:41, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21086)
Looking at the noisemons for a 5 hour stretch when I knew no one was on site.  See attached.
Non-image files attached to this comment - 12:38, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21093)ISC, SUS
I would like to help here, but I am not 100% sure I follow the picture.  After the AI swap (which seemed logical to me), you saw no more glitches (presumably in the noise monitors for those channels?).  Then the story gets hazy.  You once more tried to lock and still see SR3 motion as a lockloss initiator.  What exactly is left that you suspect is causing inadvertent motion in SR3?