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Reports until 05:02, Tuesday 01 September 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 05:02, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21084)
PRM offloading

Over the weekend while it was windy Evan noticed that we were close to saturating PRM M3, which is because the offloading I did 19850 didn't do as good a job as the M2 offloading, even though it solved the M2 range issue.  

Tonight I had a second look.  I moved the roll off up in the sus comp filter, moved the complex zeros down a bit to gain some phase, and removed the 3 Hz pole (this design was originally intended for a crossover above the sus resonances and didn't include the low frequency pole we are using.) The filter comparison is the second attached screenshot.  The first one shows the current crossover measurement, the third shows the drives.  The prominent peak at 0.6 Hz could be from an ISI.  The last screenshot shows the current configuration of the filter. 

None of this is in guardian, so the next time things are locked it should revert to the old offloading. 

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