Reports until 16:11, Tuesday 01 September 2015
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:11, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21087)
Ops DAY Summary


Delayed some activities a bit this morning, so we could attempt monitoring of SR3 for glitches while in DRMI.  From about 7:55 - 8:35 I went through an alignment (since there was no DRMI locking over the night, & Richard wanted it ).  After the alignment, waited for DRMI to lock, but no luck; so started to allow planned Maintenance Activities as planned (see log below).


All of the activities lined up for Maintenance were mostly completed (an item or two were not attempted).  So around 2pm is when we transitioned from Maintenance to Alignment (and then Locking).

Log of Day's Activities