Reports until 12:55, Tuesday 01 September 2015
leonid.prokhorov@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:55, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21097)
ESD actuation strength -
Leo, Jeff

We try to measure the force acting on the TM from the electrical field goes from ESD blades to the cage and other surrounding. It corresponds to F_3 in Livingston alog 16611 and gamma in LIGO-T1500467. Relation between force due to the ESD-to-Cage field and due to usual ESD differential field may be characterized by c/a (in terms of LLO Log, = gamma/alpha in DCC note).
The measurements was done on Aug, 17 and Aug, 25 , each of 4 charge measurement with additional measurement in script. The additional measurements was done with zero bias voltage and signal offset voltage = +/-4 V. The sine voltage in signal was multiplied by 0.5 against the charge measurements due to voltage should not not exceed the maximum value, while the charge measurements use the amplitude of the signal voltage close to the max.
Measurements was done with ESD_Night scripts with Gamma1 measurements and proceeded by ESD_analysis_gamma.m 

Results of c/a (=gamma/alpha):

Pitch	08/17	st. dev		08/25	st. dev
UL		0.32		0.03			0.30		0.04
LL		0.34		0.04			0.33		0.02
UR		0.31		0.02			0.31		0.03
LR		0.33		0.03			0.32		0.02
UL		0.31		0.03			0.31		0.04
LL		0.27		0.03			0.28		0.03
UR		0.30		0.04			0.31		0.03
LR		0.25		0.02			0.27		0.02
Pitch	08/17	st. dev		08/25	st. dev
UL		0.32		0.01			0.33		0.01
LL		0.35		0.02			0.37		0.02
UR		0.34		0.02			0.32		0.02
LR		0.37		0.03			0.36		0.02
UL		0.32		0.01			0.33		0.01
LL		0.31		0.02			0.31		0.01
UR		0.34		0.03			0.33		0.02
LR		0.29		0.02			0.31		0.01