Reports until 15:30, Tuesday 01 September 2015
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:30, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21104)

Pacific Time

7:30AM - Craning of 3IFO TCS chiller for some reason.

9AM   - SR3 Troubleshooting - couldn't "see" the problem early this morning, Richard swapped a bunch of stuff, don't really see it now, unconclusive

          - PSL chiller flow channel troubleshooting by Jason - fixed

          - OMC DC PD Measurement by Kiwamu

10AM - ODC Model update happened

          - DAQ down for FW2 build/start

          - Dust monitor plumbing in LVEA for 2 hours

          - Harmonic Generator power supply work for a while


11AM - Guardian restart for new nodes ala Jamie - these nodes will tie into the INTENT bit - call Jamie or Betsy if you get stuck and can't push the intent button

11:30  - Ran charge measurements on ETMX and ETMY SUS


DAQ restart stuff - ongoing, Dave says it didn't go weel, troubleshooting with multiple restarts this afternoon

Locking IFO ongoing with Corey/Kiwamu.