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Reports until 22:02, Tuesday 01 September 2015
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:02, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21125)
Control Room FOMs updated and files converge in a directory that's backed up

What started out as a fix for the PRMIsb.stp that was losing POP_A_LF_OUTPUT off the top of the strip tool plot, revealed an inconsistent mess.

In the ops directory, there was a PRMIsb.stp, except that is was now only a symbolic link to IfoLock.stp.  This was running on a front screen in the Control Room.

In the scripts directory, there was  a PRMI.stp that had the issue with POP_A going off the top of the plot. This was running on a side screen in the Control Room.

I updated the scripts directory PRMIsb.stp file, loaded it on both of the Control Room screens, and deleted the ops PRMIsb.stp and IfoLock.stp files.

I committed the scripts directory PRMIsb.stp file to svn.

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