Reports until 23:52, Tuesday 01 September 2015
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:52, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21128)
OPS EVE Summary:

By UTC time:



23:00 - Kiwamu relocking IFO

23:42 - IFO to low noise

23:49 - engage ISS 2nd loop - big glitch in IFO



00:10 - Commissioning starts - Robert, Anamaria - PEM

00:15 - Jamie calls to explain new SDF checks put into Guardian

--- old SDF medm screens that link off of the site map are wrong, I'll try to fix

00:20 - I accept ASAIR offsets - Kiwamu confirmed he set earlier in shift

00:40 - Keita and Evan to electronics room to measure a monitoring point, no injection

00:53 - Robert and Anamaria to EX (or EY)


lock loss:

01:39 - lock loss, lock from 23:49 to 01:39UTC

- reason: it appears that  PEM injections at EY were big enough to effect ISI and caused lock loss


01:40 - Keita and Evan back from electronics room

01:45 - Keita and Evan back to electronics room

01:56 - Keita and Evan back from electronics room


02:12 - IFO to low noise: back to commissioning

02:20 - Robert and Anamaria at EY

03:16 - Robert and Anamaria back from EY

03:17 - Dan and Evan to electronics room


05:02 - observation bit engaged


06:11 - closed fast shutter to break the IFO lock for calibration

- activities:

--- UIM coil drivers - JeffK

--- RF distribution amp - Dan and Evan

--- OMC DCPD characterization - Kiwamu