Reports until 10:50, Wednesday 02 September 2015
H1 General
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:50, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21136)
Enabled set point monitoring on ISC_LOCK GRD node

Since the IFO just made it back to nominal low noise mode, I enabled the ISC_LOCK SPM.  It immediately came up with 33 differences.  Then, Sheila changed a few things and 6 more diffs possed up bringing the total to 39.  I'm not sure how Jamie intends to deal with the fact that this ISC_LOCK GRD is showing diffs likely made in subordinate GRDs.  I post a pic of the first 10 channels in the medm for Jamie and I to confer on and address.

(Note, to "turn SPM on", I added lines of code to the ISC_LOCK GRD code, and reloaded it.

ca_monitor = True
ca_monitor_notify = False

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