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Reports until 14:21, Wednesday 02 September 2015
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:21, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21146)
H1 Marked As Having "Injection" (while I'm in Observation Mode)

So, I've recently taken H1 back into Observation Mode (after taking it out for some SDF tweaks), however up on the GWI.stat page, LHO's status is set to Injection (pink).  (How can operators know when these are to happen?  Is there a schedule for them?)

Evan pointed me to where the Hardware Injections home is: 

sitemap / LVEA CAL / HWING CTRL  --->  HARDWARE (middle of screen) ---> this opens:  H1CALCS_INJHARDWARE.adl

These shouldn't be causing us grief, but if we are ever requested to turn these off, turn the OUTPUT off.

Eric Thrane/Keith Thorne are names I've heard mentioned as contacts for Hardware Injections.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.