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Reports until 15:09, Wednesday 02 September 2015
H1 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:09, Wednesday 02 September 2015 - last comment - 15:42, Wednesday 02 September 2015(21145)
SDF "OBSERVE.snap" Files Made & Loaded

(Betsy, Corey, Jamie)

This morning I worked with Betsy (& Jamie over phone) on the SDF/Configuration Control (it actually knocked us out of Observation Mode at 18:55UTC!).  SDF is now being used to measure part of the configuration for H1, AND it must be in GREEN (no diffs) in order for an operator to go to Observation Mode.  In order to make SDF more all-encompassing, there was a thought to have SDF note the state of all channels when H1 was in Observation Mode.  (So, SDF would "light up like a Christmas Tree when in acquisition, but should be all GREEN when Guardian is complete. 

To test this out, we randomly picked ITMy.  We decided to Monitor ALL* of its channels while at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, and then (1) save this file as OBSERVE.snap & (2) Load this file into SDF. 

* We did decide to NOT Monitor a small list of channels which will change from lock to lock.  For a suspension, this would be the OPTICALIGN pit/yaw biases.

I've been waiting for H1 to break lock, so I could watch the new OBSERVE SDFs, to see if they return to a GREEN state when making it to NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE again, but we haven't dropped out of Science.  I might revert these SDFs to their safe.snaps since this is test configuration, and I wouldn't want to prevent Observation mode tonight.

At any rate, below are the SDFs I made OBSERVE.snaps for:

  1. SUS-ITMX (Not monitored:  Optic pit/yaw)
  2. SUS-ITMY (Not monitored:  Optic pit/yaw)
  3. SUS-ETMX (Not monitored:  Optic pit/yaw)
  4. ISI-ITMy (Not Monitored:  H1:ISI-ITMY_ST1_CPS_[*]_SETPOINT_NOW, which might be making tiny changes all the time.)

To back out of using the OBSERVE files & load safe, one can always:

  1. go to the SDF nodes for the ones noted above,
  2. open "SDF RESTORE SCREEN" (top center)
  3. click "! SELECT REQUEST FILE" on RESTORE window
  4. select & open "safe.snap" file
  5. click "LOAD TABLE" on RESTORE window
  6. This will return you to where we were at

To make these OBSERVE files will take us out of Science Mode (since "diffs" will be noted albeit briefly).  I might try making some more now since we are out of Science Mode for PEM Injections.  Otherwise, Betsy will be back Monday to also help out with this.

Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 15:42, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21149)

Made a few more OBSERVE.snaps:

  • SUS-ETMY (Not monitored:  Optic pit/yaw)
  • HPIITMY (Eveything accepted & monitored!)
  • ISIBS (Not Monitored:  H1:ISI-[*]_ST1_CPS_[*]_SETPOINT_NOW, which might be making tiny changes all the time.)
  • HPIBS (Eveything accepted & monitored!)

I also decided to back out all of these OBSERVE.snaps and revert back to the save.snaps for the time being.

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