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Reports until 15:24, Wednesday 02 September 2015
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:24, Wednesday 02 September 2015 - last comment - 15:56, Wednesday 02 September 2015(21147)
Mid-Y IP9 Controller Fails

(John, Gerardo)

Noticed the pressure along the Y-arm was rising, but there was no alarms of any kind, after investigating a bit, I determined that the pressure started rising at the Y-Mid station before any other place.
Went to Y-Mid and found the Ion pump controller tripped with the following error "SYSTEM ERROR SEE MANUAL ER7", still looking into this error, called John and he suggested to power cycle the controller, I did and the controller is now up and running.  The pressure is dropping.  We will keep and eye on this controller.
Attached is pressure trend for 1 day along the Y arm.

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gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - 15:56, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21150)

Error as displayed on controller.

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