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Reports until 16:14, Wednesday 02 September 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21151)
local H1 modified files committed to SVN

To better manage the H1 IFO configuration changes during ER8 and into O1 I have committed all pending modifications of source files, filter files and safe.snap files into SVN.

Turns out I was the main culprit for model changes not being committed, the changes I made yesterday to odcmaster and pemcs had not been committed, nor my change some time ago to calex to add the irig-b channel to the science frame. I have committed these today.

The filter files for the new PI models were still static files in the chans directory. I moved them to the userapps/sus/h1/filterfiles area, made the symbolic link and committed them to SVN. The CFC bit was raised during this shuffle, so the DIAG_RESET button for both PI models were pressed to clear this bit.

All remaining local mods to filter and safe.snap have been committed with a generic "version as of 02sep2015 ER8" message applied.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.