Reports until 17:31, Wednesday 02 September 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:31, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21157)
DHARD P boosts engaging

One of the issues that has caused us a few locklosses over the last several days is a transient that happens when we engage a boost in DHARD P. 

The solution that has worked at least once today was to comment out the engaging of the boost in the state CARM 5 pm, and engage it latter in the sequence when the loop has higher gain(21133) .  However, this is the boost that has saved us from the DHARD pit instability in the refl trans state that plauged us durring ER7 (19243) and for a long time before that. We would like to engage it before transitioning the CARM control to the refl sensor to avoid the return of this instability.

I downloaded some data of transitions through the CARM 5 pm state.  In the attached screenshot the red traces are from locking attempts which failed either in this state or the next one, and the blue traces are from locks which survived. It seems as though this is a transient from engaging the first of the boosts, which had zero history and a 0.1 second ramp.  The impulse response of this filter is about 2 seconds long, and the DC gain is about a factor of 2. 

Evan and I set this filter to zero history, immediately, and also changed the 23Wboost in DHARD pit, from zero history 0.1 second ramp, to zero history immediately. 

We also uncommented line 1321 in the ISC_LOCK gaurdian, ezca.switch('ASC-DHARD_P', 'FM1', 'ON'), so that this filter will be engaged before the transition of CARM to the refl sensor. 

Cheryl will load the new filter and reload the ISC_LOCK gaurdian if we unlock, and knows how to undo the changes if necessary. 

Images attached to this report