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Reports until 23:25, Wednesday 02 September 2015
H1 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:25, Wednesday 02 September 2015 - last comment - 11:44, Thursday 03 September 2015(21165)
Returning SDF To "Safe" State (aka Removing Differences)

After making a few "OBSERVE.snap" files for a few SDF nodes during the DAY shift, I tried taking the nodes back to their "safe.snap" files, but some of the nodes ended up having differences!  Since we need to have ZERO differences to allow going to OBSERVATION Mode, I did what I could to make the differences as close to a "safe" state as possible.  For the "safe" files which had differences, I looked used whatever .snap file which got us as close to GREEN as possible. 

Here are the Nodes I worked on, the .snap file they are currently running, and a note about differences observed:

    1.    SUS-ITMX:  safe & GOOD!——> but now has nutsinee differences!
    2.    SUS-ITMY:  safe & GOOD!
    3.    SUS-ETMX *:  safe_150902_124725 & (1) Diff:  H1:SUS-ETMX_L2_DAMP_MODE1_GAIN ???, set point 0 & currently 50—>violin 1004.54Hz
    4.    ISI-ITMy:  safe_150902_124924 & GOOD!
    5.    SUS-ETMY:  safe_150902_151039 & GOOD!
    6.    HPIITMY **:  safe_150810_115155 & (1) Diff (H1:HPI-ITMY_OUTF_H2_TRAMP?? , set point 60 & currently 5)—accept
    7.    ISIBS:  safe_150902_151938 & GOOD!
    8.    HPIBS:  safe & GOOD!

* The SUS-ETMx difference was a gain change Nutsinee made.  She returned the gain to 0.

** The HPIITMY difference was a Time Ramp, so I ACCEPTED.

Comments related to this report
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 11:44, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21182)

Dan found that one of the modes was rung up and switched the gain for ITMX L2 DAMP MODE1,7,8,9,10 back to 0. The changes can be accepted.

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