Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 00:08, Thursday 03 September 2015
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:08, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21166)
OPS EVE Summary: IFO locked for more than 12 hours! Range increased steadily over the lock.

Shift Timeline:

00:45 - drop out of observing - PEM injections and violin damping resume

05:01 - went to observing

06:02 - forced lock loss for tests



I had to align both TMSX and TMSY to get the green arm powers above 1.  Possibly related to the very nice 12+ hour lock we had.


Sheila's changes loaded

Jim is relocking



Tasks handed off from Corey:


- sheila, complete changes from last tnight

changes - guardian line uncommented

filters - changed from ramp to immediate

--- reloaded 07:01UTC


- gerardo, watch the voltages, should be about 7kV on HOVE_MY.adl - still at 7kV, handed off to Jim


- Robert and Anamaria - OEM injections - done now

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.