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Reports until 03:49, Thursday 03 September 2015
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 03:49, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21169)
MC2 M2 saturations causing lockloss during CARM offset reduction

I have been blaming the MICH Pit ASC loop now for a while for some locklosses that we've been seeing during the CARM offset reduction steps, specifically around the Switch_to_QPDs step (cf alog 20988).  However, when looking at MC2 for the glitch patterns from last night, I saw that perhaps we are saturating MC2's M2 coils and losing lock as a result.  

Attached below are 4 examples of this lockloss type from today.  Normally, the MC2 M2 Master out channels are well below 10,000 cts peak-to-peak, but just prior to lockloss they start to grow, and then cross over the 130k DAC count limit.  Since the IMC is near the core of all loops relating to common mode things, I still have not disentangled why this is happening, but maybe we can work on preventing it from being a problem.

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