Reports until 15:32, Tuesday 31 January 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:32, Tuesday 31 January 2012 (2117)
X1SUSQUAD03 Post-Reaction-Cable Adjustments -- Looks good!
J. Garcia, J. Kissel

I've reprocessed J. Garcia's results from the latest X1 SUS QUAD03 (an ETM-type QUAD) to include a few extra measurements and the appropriate model. Results on both chains look identical to QUAD04 (now H2 SUS ETMY), and match the model(s) quite well. 

For both suspensions, all measurements are with lacing cables down the reaction chain. The earlier measurements of each (2011-11-19 for QUAD04 and 2012-01-24 for QUAD03), are the first attempt at lacing the cables and the later measurements are after some adjustment. As one can see, the main chains (M0) are for-all-intensive-purposes identical in all four measurements. On the reaction chains (R0), the only the pitch transfer functions appear different between the cabling adjustments, and most notably the second mode at ~1.7 Hz. As for the over all shape difference from the model (e.g. much lower magnitude at DC, over shift up in mode frequencies), we understand this is due to cables stiffening up the pitch degree of freedom in general. Because we've seen this now in 3 suspensions that have had their reaction chains cabled: X1 SUS QUAD 04, X1 SUS QUAD 03, and H2 SUS ITMY (ITMY is not shown in these plots because it's a different reaction chain type, but you can see the change referenced in aLOGs 1831, 1769, etc); AND the change in stiffness appears consistent and reproducible, we are not concerned.

Pending no further mechanical additions / adjustments need to be made (i.e. he's as assembled as he can be before moving on to get have his lower have exchanged for glass), this suspension is good to go. However, we should leave him on the mechanical test stand for exploratory measurements (e.g. OSEM to OSEM basis transfer functions, long-term noise and stability studies).

The script that produces these plots is
to which I've made several improvements to while making these plots (because of the bug in how the script adds models to the plots):

- Now recalculates appropriate model on the fly according to quadType of last measurement, as opposed to using loaded model precalculated in the last measurement analysis. 
- Cleaned up messages to command window regarding loaded files. 
- Now only loads files that are in useMeasts. 
- No longer addpath genpaths, because it was unnecessary to begin with. 
- Moved useMeasts and figFileTag to top, so it's more visible. 
- Corrected 2012-01-06 measType. 
- Other small changes that I've now forgotten.

So please svn up before using this script again!

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