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Reports until 09:28, Thursday 03 September 2015
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:28, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21175)
DAY OPS Hand Off

9/3 DAY Shift:  15:00-23:00UTC (08:00-16:00PDT), all times posted in UTC

Handed an H1 which has been locked since about 11:45utc (4:45amPT), and range is hovering around 66Mpc.  So we are GREEN with Intent Bit, Observatory Mode and even GWI.stat!  (Yesterday GWI.stat was pink since there were Hardware Injections in progress.....but see my boo-boo below.)

Seismically we look quiet and winds are under 10mph.

Jim mentioned for the next lockloss, one will have to hit INIT on the ISC_LOCK (and if nothing happens,  select DOWN).

16:10:40UTC:  Out of Observation Mode!  I accidentally hit the "Toggle hardware output on/off button", thus dropping us out of Observation mode!  (I meant to look at the Hardware Injection filter bank [button above toggle] to see what it looks like today vs. yesterday since GWI.stat is not in Injection mode.  My mistake!)  At any rate the Toggle button toggles the OUTPUT button for that filter bank.  I toggled it back to where it was (with the help of SDF), and then went back to Observation Mode.

16:12 UTC:  Back to Observation Mode!

Plan For the Day:

Will stay in Observation mode as much as possible, but know that PEM Injections will most likely be occurring at some point.  As of 16:23UTC, I had contacted LLO & they mentioned recently going down for calibration work (probably for another ~30min).  Then they'll go back to Observation for lunch, and then after they hope to do some Commissioning.

Bubba mentioned wanting to tip toe into the LVEA to make a grouting measurement (will call him during a lockloss or if it could be done in parallel with PEM injections later.)

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.