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Reports until 11:35, Thursday 03 September 2015
peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:35, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21181)
HardwareInjection records added to GraceDB in preparation for scheduled burst injections
We have planned to do a series of burst hardware injections during ER8, but that has been held up for a long time while we sorted out how to get them properly recorded in GraceDB so that, if an event is identified by the low-latency analysis, it's known immediately if it's a hardware injection.  I finally solved this problem and have created HardwareInjection records in GraceDB for all of the burst hardware injections scheduled between now and the end of ER8.  There won't actually be injections at ALL of those times, but they're pre-marked anyway.

The next step is to actually turn on the burst hardware injections.  I will talk with the operators and, if there are no objections, turn those on.  Note that operators should free to pause or disable the burst injections (using the MEDM injection control screen) if there is any concern that they might interfere with ongoing activities; just please remember to re-enable them when it's OK for them to resume.

For reference: I did this with the new 'gracedb_burst_sync' script in HardwareInjections/Details/tinj.
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