Reports until 18:21, Thursday 03 September 2015
H1 AOS (DetChar)
paul.schale@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:21, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21197)
DQ Shift H1 31 August 00:00 UTC - 2 September 23:59 UTC

- Only ~9 hours of lock time during the 3 days

- Low glitch rate during lock time

- 60 Hz magnetic glitches showed up again at EY

- 2 interesting glitch types seen in evening of Sept 2:

    - 90Hz lines in ASD-AS_A_RF45_Q_YAW_OUT_DQ (found by Hveto)

    - some loud triggers in CBC BBH that looked like lots of vertical lines at around 100Hz.

- Full DQ page: