Reports until 17:34, Thursday 03 September 2015
eric.thrane@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:34, Thursday 03 September 2015 - last comment - 14:51, Tuesday 08 September 2015(21198)
LIMIT in HWINJ filter bank turned off
Eric, Cheryl

Following advice from D Shoemaker et al., we have disabled the LIMIT on the HWINJ filter bank. The change was made at approximately GPS = 1125361473. The LLO LIMIT was turned off earlier today:
Comments related to this report
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 12:18, Tuesday 08 September 2015 (21296)

[TJ, Jenne]

TJ pointed out to me that the Cal Hardware Injection ODC bit is red, and I tracked down where it's coming from.  The ODC is upset that the CAL-INJ_HARDWARE limiter was turned off.  I don't think that this has been preventing us from going to Observing mode, since the limiter was turned off on Thursday, but if it does (particularly if some updates have been made during maintenence day that tie this bit into our "OK" status) I will turn the limiter back on until the ODC can be updated to know that the limit switch should be off.

I have sent EricT an email asking for him to help figure out the ODC part of this.

jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - 12:54, Tuesday 08 September 2015 (21299)

Just to be clear, there should be NO ODC CHECKS INVOLVED in the IFO READY bit.  ODC is only used as transport of the bits, and none of the checks being done by ODC affect IFO READY.  The only thing that should be going in to IFO READY now is the GRD IFO top node.  In other words, this ODC issue should not have been preventing you from going to Observing mode.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 14:51, Tuesday 08 September 2015 (21303)

Note, when the EXC bit in the CALCS CDS overview is in alarm, we tend to open the screen CAL_INJ_CONTROL to attempt to diagnose - This shows a big red light for some ODC Channel OK Latch, leading us to misdiagnose what is actually in alarm.  We have 2 operational problems:


1) If generically, there is a red light on the CDS screen - where do you go?  Normally, we follow the logical medm and are able to get to the bottom of the red status via logical nested reds.  This is not the case for the CALCS screen - the CDS H1:FEC-117_STATE_WORD bit is RED on the H1CALCS line of the overview screen, yet this bit is nowhere on the CALCS screen.

So, where does the info come from for specifically the EXC bit of the H1CALCS state word, such that we can do something about it?


2) Someone should rework the CAL_INJ_CONTROL.adl so that it doesn't cause us to misdiagnose actual reds.  Currently, the HARDWARE INJECTIONS are out of configuration (outstanding issue to still be sorted) and yet, there is NO INDICATION of that on the CAL_INJ_CONTROL screen...  Also, the CW injection appears to be off, but there is no "red alarm" on the screen.


BTW, the HARDWARE INJ appear to be off.  They dropped around 7pm local time last night (20 hours ago).

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