Reports until 04:11, Friday 04 September 2015
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:11, Friday 04 September 2015 (21201)
Ops Owl Mid Shift Summary
Received H1 locked and in observing mode from Cheryl.
Cleaned up control room. If you are missing something check the cardboard box on the floor behind the computers to the left as you come in.
Checked IP9 as requested by Gerardo. High Voltage is around 7 kV for both A and B.
Moved cameras looking in PSL enclosure to see that they were not frozen. Lights are off in PSL enclosure.
Moved cameras in LVEA to point to doors. Lights are on in LVEA.
Lights appear to be off at all mid and end stations, but I don't entirely trust those cameras. I don't seem to be able to move end X. mid Y is constantly flickering green horizontal lines.
Darkhan and Sudarshan were the only people left in the control room after Cheryl left.

08:07 UTC Darkhan and Sudarshan leaving. I'm all alone.
08:13 UTC I shut down all of the workstation computers in the control room except the ops station.
08:38 - 08:44 UTC I stepped out to use the restroom.

SUS ETMY voice saturation alarms at: 08:13:12, 08:28:03, 08:28:05, 10:40:16, 10:51:18 UTC. Have caused glitches.

H1 remains locked slightly below 70 Mpc.