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Reports until 16:24, Friday 04 September 2015
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:24, Friday 04 September 2015 (21206)
Ops DAY Summary

9/4 DAY Shift:  15:00-23:00UTC (08:00-16:00PDT), all times posted in UTC

Summary:  Able to get a few hours of Observation time during the shift.  Also had a few hours of PEM Injections by Robert.  Coordinated a bit with LLO with regards to when to drop out of Observation as well.  All of this is pointing us toward a goal of having long double-coincidence duty cycles for the next week so we can get an idea of the state of our machines going into O1.

Robert plans to continue with injections into the evening so he can have a lighter day tomorrow.

Handed off a nice H1 (~70Mpc) to Nutsinee with quiet seismic and slight winds.

Poll of Control Room Work:  PCal/OMC model work, Calibration Analysis, PEM Injection analysis, Ops Script work.

Support:  Had Commissioners around, but not needed since H1 was locked the whole time (since 16UTC / 10pm PST)

Day's Activities

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