Reports until 08:56, Friday 04 September 2015
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:56, Friday 04 September 2015 (21209)
DAY OPS Hand Off (from Patrick on OWL)

Patrick handed off an H1 which has been at Nominal Low Noise since about 5:30utc (10:30pmPST) with a range hovering around 70Mpc.  There was a noticeable step down in range (~60Mpc) at 12:04UTC for about 30-60min (Patrick notes several ETMy saturations around 12:10UTC & Ed notes there were earthquakes aroudn 12:15UTC).

Injection around 11:15UTC?

Looks like we have been in Observation Mode since 6:00UTC, but GWIstat says we've only been in this state since about 11:15UTC (this isn't Peter's Burst from last night....maybe a Transient Injection?  Or some other injection?  Is there a schedule for these things??).

Today's Outlook:  PEM Injections for good chunk of day

Will stay in Observation a little, but Robert says he said would like to start PEM Injections within an hour or so (~16:45UTC?), and will be PEM Injecting for a good chunk of the day so he does not have to do much on Saturday.  Have just talked with Lisa at LLO and they will be interested when we go out of Observation, so they could also go out and do some much-need commissioning.

Seismically, we look fairly quiet with microseism noticeably trending down by 0.1um/s over the last 24hrs.  Winds are also quiet.