Reports until 21:15, Friday 04 September 2015
gregory.mendell@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:15, Friday 04 September 2015 (21227)
The LDAS (DCS) stream of 4 s hoft generation using gstlal_compute_strain has started

As discussed at today's run meeting on Teamspeak on the JRPC channel:

The LDAS (DCS) stream of 4 s hoft generation using gstlal_compute_strain started writing to LDAS disks at 1125451520  == Sep 05 2015 01:25:03 UTC.

There already exist two redundant DMT streams of 4 s hoft writing to LDAS and DMT (GDS) disks. These are now vetted for diffs in the STRAIN and ODC channels.

Aggregation of hoft into 4096 s frame files for offline analysis is now configured (via the diskcache) to use the DMT hoft if the STRAIN and ODC channels agree in the two DMT streams; otherwise it will use the LDAS stream. (This can be easily switched back to using only the two DMT streams as it has been using prior to the time given in this alog, if problems arise).