Reports until 04:07, Saturday 05 September 2015
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:07, Saturday 05 September 2015 - last comment - 04:14, Saturday 05 September 2015(21233)
Ops Owl Mid Shift Summary
Took over from Nutsinee. Dan, Kiwamu and Darkhan also here.

07:15 UTC Lock loss. SUS OMC SW WD tripped. Possible earthquake.
07:21 UTC Touched up SUS ETMX pitch for locking on green. X arm green power remaining around .8
07:26 UTC Requested INIT, DOWN then NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE. Did not help.
07:39 UTC Dan suggested adjusting TMS alignment. This brought the X arm green power over 1. Guardian moved on.
07:44 UTC Reloaded TJ's script on video5 per his earlier request.
DRMI alignment looks bad, misaligned SRM to lock on PRMI, did not help
07:50 UTC Started initial alignment per Dan's suggestion
08:35 UTC Darkhan left. Kiwamu and Dan still here.
08:38 UTC Got to and stopped at DC_READOUT_TRANSITION. Dan modifying guardian to run measurement on OMC.
08:48 UTC Kiwamu left. Just Dan and I here.
08:57 UTC Checked that the PSL cameras are not frozen. Lights are off in the PSL enclosure. Checked mid and end station cameras. All dark, but end X does not move. mid Y still has flickering green lines. Lights are on in the LVEA.
09:03 UTC Dan starting measurement.
09:58 UTC Dan stopping measurement. Investigating possible issues with calibration left over from measurement.
10:52 UTC Observing mode.

More ETMY saturations.
Comments related to this report
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - 04:14, Saturday 05 September 2015 (21235)CAL

When we got back to low noise at 0958 UTC, we noticed the DARM gain was too low by about 30%.  This was probably because we performed the gaurdian steps out of sequence: we increased power on RF DARM to allow for OMC modescans, with the DARM boost on, and then handed of to DC readout.  Performing the RF-->DC handoff with the DARM boost enabled can spoil the coherence of the gain-matching calculation and lead to a value for the OMC-READOUT_ERR_GAIN that is off by tens of percent.  Really we should be doing this calculation with a driven excitation, rather than relying on unsuppressed length fluctuations to provide coherence between AS45_Q and DCPD_SUM.  But we haven't taken the time to code up a tdssine measurement (or tdsresp? something in cdsutils?) in the OMC guardian.

Anyways after some head-scratching we adjusted OMC-READOUT_ERR_GAIN so the height of the 331.9Hz calibration line was the same as it was twelve hours ago.