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Reports until 04:05, Sunday 06 September 2015
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:05, Sunday 06 September 2015 (21249)
Ops Owl Mid Shift Summary
07:12 UTC Handoff from Nutsinee. H1 in observing mode at around 70 Mpc. Kiwamu only other person here.
07:16 UTC Lights are off in the LVEA and PSL enclosure. Lights appear to be off at the mid and end stations.
07:17 UTC Checked IP9. Both A and B pumps HV around 7kV.
07:53 UTC Momentary end X HEPI pump station pressure minor alarm.
08:52 - 08:58 UTC Stepped out of control room.
09:06 UTC Kiwamu leaving site. I'm alone.
10:50 - 10:57 UTC Stepped out of control room.

No lock losses or changes in observing mode. SUS ETMY saturations at 08:44:54 and 11:00:19 UTC.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.