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Reports until 08:43, Wednesday 01 February 2012
X1 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:43, Wednesday 01 February 2012 (2126)
Cleanroom Castors Replaced In Staging Bldg

(Mark & Slim from Apollo)

Just to give an update on the Staging Bldg Cleanroom issues noted last month.  Last week, the flimsy castors (actually, it was just poorly designed cleanrooms---weak castors not installed securely in thin boxbeam legs) were replaced with much beefier replacements (after seeing cross-section of legs, still wish they were thicker/stronger like the VEA cleanrooms).  Photos are attached.  These were replaced on the two (of four) cleanrooms we move the most down there.

(obviously both of the attached photos should be rotated clockwise 90deg, seems like the alog doesn't like my photos!)

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