Reports until 04:25, Monday 07 September 2015
H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:25, Monday 07 September 2015 (21261)
Mid OWL Shift Summary

Nutsinee handed over an IFO that had been locked for over 28 hours.  Unfortunately, an EQ in New Zealand took us down.  It appears that PRM had saturated, taking down DRMI a few minutes before the EQ arrived, but the EQ has prevented us from relocking for over an hour now as the Earth calms back down. 

7:30 LLO dropped lock, went to commissioning mode for a few minutes so Nutsinee and Dan could look at a few things

9:08 Lockloss (Guardian reports that the OMC SW watchdog has tripped and that DRMI has unlocked)

9:40 I begin initial alignment after seeing that ALS isn't well aligned post lockloss

9:44 After noticing that the alignment is wavering, Dan notices that TerraMon is reporting an EQ in New Zealand.  Site seismos start reporting the same things soon after.  Initial alignment is paused to wait for calmer conditions.

9:44 I notice a timing error on the CDS overview for ETMx.  ETMy already has one which a note from Ed says should be reset after lockloss.

10:53 ETMy timing error reset (as per Ed's note).  ETMx timing error is NOT reset (not sure if I should, emailed DaveB for advice).